
国内破处 武汉大学主页平台搞定系统 苏鑫

发布日期:2024-12-02 04:42    点击次数:165

国内破处 武汉大学主页平台搞定系统 苏鑫



苏鑫,博士,遥感信息工程学院副讲明注解,硕/博磋商生导师。2015年法国巴黎高科国立高级电信学院(Telecom ParisTech)信号与图像处理专科取得博士学位,2015-2018年法国国度信息与自动化磋商所(INRIA)博士后磋商员。主要从事遥感图像处理、点云数据处理、想到打算机视觉与东谈主工智能方面磋商。主抓和参与多项国度当然科学基金技俩、973/863技俩,发表多篇IEEE TIP、IEEE TGRS、ISPRS等边界TOP期刊。







1. 万古序遥感影像的地物分类制图与动态更新法子磋商,国度当然科学基金技俩-面上,50万,主抓

2. 谈路法子损毁智能侦测系统及预警装配研发-专题四,要点研发子课题,60万,主抓

3. 视频遥感信息处理的表面过火典型地学行使,国度当然科学基金技俩-要点,参与2/7

4. 无东谈主机高清录像瑕疵智能识别及可视化系统软件确立,粗拙横向,69万,主抓

5. XXXX磋商技俩,国防横向,75万,主抓

6. XXXX模块,国防横向,参与2/7

7. XXXX软件,国防横向,参与2/7



-. Remote sensing chatgpt: Solving remote sensing tasks with chatgpt and visual models

    H Guo, X Su*, C Wu, B Du, L Zhang, D Li, arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.09083

-. Expediting Building Footprint Segmentation from High-resolution Remote Sensing Images via progressive lenient supervision

    H Guo, B Du, C Wu, X Su, L Zhang, arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.12220

1. Building-Road Collaborative Extraction From Remote Sensing Images via Cross-Task and Cross-Scale Interaction

    H Guo, X Su*, C Wu, B Du, L Zhang, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

2. PCDASNet: Position-Constrained Differential Attention Siamese Network for Building Damage Assessment

    J Wang, H Guo, X Su*, L Zheng, Q Yuan, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

3. SAAN: Similarity-aware attention flow network for change detection with VHR remote sensing images

    H Guo, X Su*, C Wu*, B Du, L Zhang, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

4. Statistic Ratio Attention Guided Siamese U-Net for SAR Image Semantic Change Detection

    S Chen, X Su*, L Zheng, Q Yuan, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters

5. Decoupling semantic and edge representations for building footprint extraction from remote sensing images

    H Guo, X Su*, C Wu, B Du, L Zhang, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 61, 1-16

6. Fast hyperspectral image denoising and destriping method based on graph Laplacian regularization

    X Su, Z Zhang, F Yang, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 61, 1-14

7. A coarse-to-fine boundary refinement network for building footprint extraction from remote sensing imagery

    H Guo, B Du, L Zhang, X Su, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 183, 240-252

8. Inundation impact on croplands of 2020 flood event in three Provinces of China

    X Qin, Q Shi, D Wang, X Su, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

9. Deep image interpolation: A unified unsupervised framework for pansharpening

    J Gao, J Li, X Su, M Jiang, Q Yuan, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop

10. Multivehicle object tracking in satellite video enhanced by slow features and motion features

      J Wu, X Su*, Q Yuan, H Shen, L Zhang, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-26

11. Satellite video super-resolution via multiscale deformable convolution alignment and temporal grouping projection

      Y Xiao, X Su*, Q Yuan, D Liu, H Shen, L Zhang, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-19

12. CFCANet: A complete frequency channel attention network for SAR image scene classification

      B Su, J Liu, X Su*, B Luo, Q Wang, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

13. Spatial–temporal gray-level co-occurrence aware CNN for SAR image change detection

      X Zhang, X Su*, Q Yuan, Q Wang, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 19, 1-5

14. Scale-robust deep-supervision network for mapping building footprints from high-resolution remote sensing images

      H Guo, X Su*, S Tang, B Du, L Zhang, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

15. Boundary-aware dual-stream network for VHR remote sensing images semantic segmentation

      Z Nong, X Su*, Y Liu, Z Zhan, Q Yuan, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

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